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Ingredients: Matcha pwd, Lemon peel pwd, French green clay, Fuller's earth, Walnut shell pwd,Orange peel pwd, Lavender essential oil.


Qty : 100 gms


This buff helps skin in even toning and its anti oxidants helps in reducing acne and increase skin elasticity. Lavender tones smooth fine lines and reduces irritation.


Suitable For: Sensitive and Acne prone to normal skin


How to use:

Mix one spoon of buff with one spoon of gel (preferably bubble basket hydrating facial gels),rose water,milk,yogurt or glycerin to make a paste or less liquid to make scrub.

For Face pack : Apply a thin layer to your face and neck avoiding your eyes  area, let it dry 10-20 mins and then gently wash.

For Scrubbing : Gently scrub your face and massage softly for 5 to 10 mins and rinse with water.

Matcha Lavender

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